National awareness is very important as it can increase the participation of the communities in tourism. Awareness can also change the community’s perceptions about tourism. Therefore, tourism awareness and perceptions are the cornerstones of community participation in tourism.

Benefits of National Awareness:
- Being better able to manage and regulate your emotions.
- Better communication.
- Better decision-making skills.
- Improved relationships.
- Higher levels of happiness.
- More confidence.
- Better job satisfaction.
- Better leadership skills.
The government of Sierra Leone acknowledges tourism will become one of the key economic
sectors, contributing effectively to the GDP growth, biggest national employer and revenue generation
. National Tourism indicate that sustainable tourism
development is the focus of the country’s tourism development and planning contributing to
growth and well-being of the people of Sierra Leone. It also says that through the development of
a dynamic, competitive and customer-driven industry that capitalizes on its rich cultural
heritage and natural environment and the beauty of Sierra Leone, the local people will become the
prime beneficiaries of tourism development.
The government of Sierra Leone acknowledges tourism will become one of the key economic
sectors, contributing effectively to the GDP growth, biggest national employer and revenue generation
. National Tourism indicate that sustainable tourism..
National awareness is very important as it can increase the participation of the communities in tourism. Awareness can also change the community’s perceptions about tourism. Therefore, tourism awareness and perceptions are the cornerstones of community participation in tourism.
The government of Sierra Leone acknowledges tourism will become one of the key economic
sectors, contributing effectively to the GDP growth, biggest national employer and revenue generation
. National Tourism indicate that sustainable tourism
development is the focus of the country’s tourism development and planning contributing to
growth and well-being of the people of Sierra Leone. It also says that through the development of
a dynamic, competitive and customer-driven industry that capitalizes on its rich cultural
heritage and natural environment and the beauty of Sierra Leone, the local people will become the
prime beneficiaries of tourism development